Dental Education

Children's Dental Education

Instructing your children to care for their teeth is essential for preventing unwanted cavities, tooth decay, and plaque. Children are impressionable and learn well through exemplary behaviour from parents, but maintaining good oral hygiene can nevertheless be a challenge. 

 Dental education for babies and children can be improved with professional advice from qualified dentists in Cork at Bandon Dental. Our team of child-friendly dentists can provide resources to help parents raise their children with good habits to maintain a healthy smile as they grow.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When should children start flossing their teeth?

Children should begin to floss their teeth when the teeth begin to touch. Teach your child how to floss and how to use floss to clean between their teeth. 

Q: How often should children visit the dentist?

Generally, children should visit their dentist every six months for a routine checkup. Children with dental problems may require examinations every three to four months. 

Q: When should I start brushing my baby’s teeth?

Parents should begin brushing the teeth of their babies at around 12 to 36 months of age using a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Dental Education for Children at Bandon Dental

Give your little one(s) dental education that will ensure their happy smile looks great and healthy as they grow older. Schedule a consultation with our team at Bandon Dental today.

    Our Awards

    We’re honoured to have won a variety of awards in recent years.