Dental Crowns Cork

Dental Crowns in Cork

Dental crowns are a common dental treatment option for decayed, worn-down, weakened, or misshapen teeth. Crowns restore the size and shape of the original tooth with a porcelain or metal (or combination) material that forms the original tooth and restores its size, shape, and colour.

Our dentists at Bandon Dental perform dental crown procedures for patients using high-quality materials that will last for years to come and restore a healthy smile to your face. 

Book an appointment today if you are interested in getting dental crowns in Cork from our professional dentists in Bandon.

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Dental Crowns - FAQs

Q: Can I still get cavities with a dental crown?

Yes, tooth decay and cavities can still form under dental crowns, which is why it remains important to maintain good oral hygiene, brush your teeth frequently, and visit your dentist frequently.

Q: How long do dental crowns last?

On average, dental crowns should last for around 15 years. However, to get the most out of your newly-fitted crowns, you’ll need to practise good oral hygiene. Make sure you’re brushing and flossing daily. You’ll need to ensure you’re visiting your dentist frequently. Regular visits to a dental hygienist are also a good idea. In some cases, well-maintained crowns can last for more than 30 years.

Q: Is it painful to have a crown put on your tooth?

There’s no need to worry about pain if you’re thinking about getting crowns applied to your teeth. Your dentist will use local anesthesia and sedation during the procedure, preventing you from feeling any pain or discomfort. If you notice any mild discomfort after the procedure itself, you can use over-the-counter medication to provide relief until the pain subsides.

Q: How do you clean dental crowns?

Keeping your crowns in good condition doesn’t require any additional effort on your part. Simply brush the crown as you would a normal tooth. This means brushing thoroughly twice a day. If possible, use an electric toothbrush rather than a manual one. Brushing for at least two minutes will ensure your crown is kept clean and free of harmful bacteria.

Q: What are dental crowns made of?

Crowns are made from a variety of materials. Some crowns are made from porcelain and ceramic, while others are made from composite resin. Hard-wearing alternatives tend to be made from metal or metal alloys. Sometimes, a paediatric dentist may suggest a stainless steel crown to preserve badly decayed teeth in much younger patients.

Q: How much do dental crowns cost?

Dental crown prices vary depending on how many crowns you have fitted and the kind of material used to create your crown. Porcelain crowns are the more affordable of the two, with dental crown prices starting at 800 per tooth.

Q: Do teeth decay under crowns?

Even though crowns can restore the appearance of your teeth, it’s still possible for the teeth underneath to suffer from tooth decay. If left unchecked, this can lead to cavities. After having crowns applied by a dentist in Cork, you’ll still need to maintain good dental hygiene. Make sure you’re brushing your teeth and crowns regularly. You’ll also need to floss once a day. Furthermore, you should still see a dentist regularly after having crowns applied. Make sure you’re scheduling a checkup at least once every six months.

Q: What other services do we offer?

Looking for more dental solutions? We offer a complete range of treatments, including Invisalign and orthodontics, teeth whitening, dental bridges, and more. As well as general dentistry checkups, we provide dental hygienist and oral cancer screening services. Suffering from severe toothache, an infection, or a broken tooth? As an emergency dentist, we’re available for same-day and next-day appointments.

Choose Bandon Dental for Dental Crowns in Cork

For dental crowns, bridgework, fillings and other dental treatment options, schedule a visit at Bandon Dental today.

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