Category: General Dentistry

  • How to Brush Your Teeth After Wisdom Teeth Removal 

    June 4, 2024

    It’s generally recommended to brush your teeth at least twice per day, once in the morning and once before bedtime, but what about brushing your teeth after wisdom teeth removal? The short and simple answer is yes, you should be brushing your teeth afterwards but with special care so as not to exacerbate any pain […]

  • PRSI Dental Entitlements Guide 2024

    August 22, 2023

    If you pay social insurance contributions in Ireland, it’s likely that you qualify for PRSI dental entitlements in 2024. These entitlements are a part of the Treatment Benefit Scheme. This ensures that you can access dental care annually, while minimising the cost of services like a scale and polish.  Most employees in Ireland aged between […]

  • woman getting a braces dental checkup

    All You Need To Know About Braces: 2023 Guide

    July 25, 2023

    Tired of seeing misaligned teeth every time you look in the mirror? As well as being a confidence killer, crooked teeth can lead to all manner of dental problems. Chewing can become an issue, while a misaligned smile can place excess strain on the jaw muscles, making throbbing headaches a daily occurrence. The good news […]

  • invisalign prices

    Invisalign Prices At Bandon Dental – 2023 Update

    June 17, 2023

    Have you got crooked or overcrowded teeth that you would like to fix? Back in the early 2000s, braces would have been the only option people had. However, nowadays, braces aren’t the most practical or comfortable option. Thanks to clear orthodontic treatments like Invisalign, we have a new solution. Offering a more flexible approach to […]